How Much Is Your Time Worth?
ArtemisCalendar was created by Providers to streamline onboarding and management of bHRT patients whether they are new or have been on bHRT for years.
Create a better bHRT experience for your Patients knowing that you are always in sync.
ArtemisCalendar is Completely Free for Providers.

ArtemisCalendar was designed with the Provider in mind. Most of the busy work such as patient on-boarding, calendar setup, and coordinating dosing or cycle changes can easily be automated so you can focus on providing valuable oversight and expanding your practice.
Our HIPAA compliant portal aims to collects all of the required Patient information during sign up so that Providers can quickly get to setting up calendars and dosing within minutes.
Whether you have 10 patients or 1000, managing protocols becomes simple when you can access all of your Patients' calendars from one dashboard.
ArtemisCalendar can handle your most challenging patients. With built in support for switching between Lunar and Personal calendars, along with dosing for Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone, the app continue to evolve towards becoming the best way to manage bHRT.
From the moment you accept a Patient, ArtemisCalendar starts keeping history of their dosing, and any symptoms they observe as well as notes shared between you. The detailed daily history gives you confidence that the Patient's treatment is accurate and provides rich context for future follow ups and reviews.

We believe that empowering Providers will drive the future improvement and effectiveness of bHRT protocols. For this reason, ArtemisCalendar is Free for Providers and always will be.
Patient Plans on ArtemisCalendar start with a free 30-day trial. Monthly membership fees of $5.99 apply after the trial ends.
Please allow us up to 48 hours to verify your NPI number and practice location online. Once you are registered, patients will be able to find you in the list of available providers on ArtemisCalendar.
We look forward to having you on ArtemisCalendar and being a part of our community of bHRT Providers

What Providers Are Saying

"In my 17+ years of prescribing HRT and especially since the invention of healthcare applications for computers and phones, I have been dreaming of an app that was less time-consuming and labor-intensive than paper dosing schedules and calendars. I yearned for a program that would allow patients to chart their symptoms and monitor their HRT dosing. The ArtemisCalendar app has arrived to fill that need! And with the added bonus of allowing patients and providers to share information in REAL TIME. I love being able to check a patient's current symptoms and dosing regimen at a glance. And my favorite part of the app is the ability to reset rhythmic dosing cycles or change variable dosing with a few, quick keyboard strokes."
Dr. Rebecca Provorse, ND